Pull Ups are one of the best upper body exercises that you can do. They are a good indicator of true strength, which is why the Army uses them for multiple schools requiring high levels of strength. Pull ups work so many different muscles and it trains your body to move its own weight. Plus, it feels pretty great to jump on a bar, knock out a few pull ups, and watch the faces. Guys are either super impressed or super intimidated. Lol.

Most of the women that I know, cannot even do one pull up. We need to change that! It took me about 3 weeks to get my first strict pull up following a combination of programs. Once I got my first one, I was able to increase that number to 6 in less than 2 months.
My Pull Up Plan:
The Warm Up: This should be added to your normal routine warm up on days you are training pull ups. Make sure on the band assisted pull ups you use a really thick band. You are only trying to get your arms warmed up for the motion of a pull up. If you do not have bands and you have a pull up machine, you can use that instead. This is the only time I ever recommend using the assisted pull up machine. Most of them do not allow you to get a full range of motion. They also force your lower body to remain fixed. Make sure you add enough weight to keep this easy.
400 meter row
15 push ups
10 band assisted pull ups
Part 1: Each day I train pull ups I start with maximum attempts. At this point you should be warmed up and ready to give it your best effort. Even if you cannot do a full pull up. Hang on the bar and pull yourself up as far as you can. Once you reach that point, do not just drop down. Slowly bring yourself down to the starting position. Do this 3 times.
Part 2:
Monday: Ring Rows
The height of the rings should be around your hips. As you get stronger you will lower the rings gradually.
4 sets of 8 reps
Wednesday: Flexed Arm Hang
3 sets of maximum time hangs. Note the time for each set so you can see your progress from week to week.
Friday: Jumping pull ups
3 sets of 10 reps
Position yourself under the bar and use a box or some weights to ensure you are at the right height. You want the pull up bar to rest somewhere between your wrist and your elbows when your arms are fully extended. The closer to your elbows, the easier it will be. The idea behind this movement is that you will use power from your legs to offset your body weight. Make sure each rep starts at a dead hang and that you get your chin over the bar. Watch this video for a demonstration.
Over time lower your height and increase your reps and sets.
This program should be use in conjunction with your normal routine. Continue to do plenty of cardio and eat healthy. If you are able to lose weight, it will be easier to pull yourself up. Make sure you are staying hydrated, stretching, and sleeping. You've gotta take care of yourself outside of the gym for your muscles to grow. I would recommend getting a pull up bar for your house. Frequency is the key in pull up progressions. You want to be making attempts often throughout the day. Once you get your first pull up or two, I recommend adding weight to yourself. What helped me was attempting pull ups throughout the day in my acus. That little extra weight from the boots made regular pull ups in gym clothes so much easier. Good Luck!


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